Saturday, September 17, 2011


For the past few years working together on events there has always been a surplus of fun and somewhat out-there ideas that have come to the table. These capricious designs, secretly our favorites, we started labeling as “Jaded Projects”. The time has come when we would rather be reeled in than not bring these concepts up. Now we are betting that our friends and associates in this business feel the same. We would love to share our secret ideas with you. Jaded Design is made up of formerly Set Appeal (Marcella Monroy) and Senses (Lisa Rengert). Collectively we have been designing and producing for the event business for over 30 years. Our collaboration is sparkling new life into event design. Does this mean we are too jaded to work on an event? No, just the opposite, we want to come up with as many unique and different designs as possible. We may be shooting ourselves in the foot by trying to recreate every time, but this is what gives us the life and need to be good designers and artists!  See our work at

Friday, June 10, 2011

Set Appeal ~ art book: Wildflower Linen Showrooms

Set Appeal ~ art book: Wildflower Linen Showrooms